About Genshin Concert 2021

 Surprisingly, Genshin developers have been relising a bunch of music videos, most of them realted to the Sumeru land, (Egypsian vibes), but can we just go back in the time to talk about this master piece?

Genshin always suprises us with the amazing music destinated to the game. The ambientation going from Montdstat to Sumeru always comes with exiting music coming from every region from where the city is suposed to be. This video takes the best from 2021 music from Montdstad (Europe) and Liyue (China).

For instance, the best parts for me was the ones including dancers:
The video counts with two songs that include dancing. The first one in minute 16:14, and the other one in minute 49:31.
The first one is about a female knight that has always searched for vengance against those people who have always tried to make her give up. Also to her family who have always tried to retain her from compleating her dream of becoming a knight and searching for those who tried to eliminate her family.

The other song talks the story of two gods, Morax, the god of earth and, Guizhong, the god of dust. They lived all together for many decades, but when the war between gods, Guizhong gave her life for him and her land. Dying in hands of Morax.

For instance, the story to be told is good, but can we talk about the dancers? The representations of the story using movements is absolutely incredible. The movements they use its all a convination of emotions that actually make you feel the emotion. The dancers made an incredible job on represanting this emotions. A total 10/10.


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